Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional

SBI is a school which be hoped to have the best quality, include of input, output, and outcomes. To ensure the quality of the SBI, the government also gave expense budget. This budget was given when the school is RSBI. Unfortunately, there are many RSBI who was not in accordance with the conditions and expectations of the government and the societies. Societies consider that the purpose of public schools that want to be RSBI is getting the assistance budget from government.
Learning activities in the school of RSBI is almost same learning activity in a regular school. Learning activity be centered on teachers and students are passive. The teacher explains material by lecture methods, give example questions, and students are given a matter of practice. It should not be used again because students should be center of learning activities and teacher help students in learning activities. With LCD, the teacher can provide an opportunity to students to improve their activities, for example with presentation.
The differences that stand out from regular schools and RSBI is cost of education. School usually mention the cost be used to repair and equipping school facilities. Unfortunately, it is less lasting well. In addition, there are also schools which oblige their students have laptop, yet the learning activities still use traditional methods.
RSBI schools should be able to change the traditional teaching method into modern teaching methods so that the ability of students increased and be creative. In addition, with a good quality, the school can compete with schools in other countries.

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