Rabu, 21 September 2011


Oleh : Marsigit,
Reviewed by Siti Subekti
Planning and curriculum development is of great importance in education, so necessary in-depth and comprehensive study to meet the eligibility requirements. In Indonesia, curriculum development is required to observe current issues in education, the issues arising in the field, variations in school, educational personnel, interests and abilities of students, and the demands of social development, science and technology.
Syllabus is a breakdown of the curriculum. Competency-based of Mathematics education emphasizes the skills that should be possessed by graduates so that the curriculum was developed based on the elaboration of standards of competence (the ability that can be performed or displayed in the learning of mathematics) to basic skills (the ability at least in the subjects of mathematics that must be owned by students). Therefore, the subjects Mathematics syllabus should be formulated so that the load lines of material that refers to the Mathematical characteristics in accordance with the competencies to be achieved. According Siskandar, Curriculum 2004, which is the concept of Competency Based Curriculum and programs have a characteristic:
1) emphasis on the achievement of competence of students both individually and classical
2) results-oriented and diversity
3) delivery of learning using various approaches and methods
4) the source of learning not only teachers but other learning resources that meet the educational element
5) assessment emphasizes the process and results in an effort to learn the mastery of a competency.
Power of the CBC is on the development of a learning experience first hand, contextual teaching and learning (CT & L), meaningful teaching, with attention to life skills (life skills) in the form of generic skills (personal skills, social skills, academic skills and proficiency skills). The curriculum is designed so that students are able to perform activities of search patterns and relationships, develop creativity and imagination, intuition and invention; perform problem-solving activities, and communicate mathematical thinking to others.
Format of syllabus is a form of presentation of the syllabus content consists of competency standards, basic skills, learning materials, description of learning materials, student learning experience of time allocation, and source of reference that is used while the systematic order of presentation of the syllabus describes the bagianbagian syllabus.
Systematic presentation of the syllabus includes the identification of levels of schooling, subject, grade, semester, the formulation of competency standards, basic skills to be achieved, learning materials, description of learning materials, learning experience, allocation of time and source of reference / referral.
Step-by-step preparation of Capability-Based Elementary Mathematics Syllabus, a series of events beginning with the philosophical study of the development of Mathematics education, including the preparation of the scientific structure.

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