Rabu, 21 September 2011


Dipresentasikan Pada Seminar Nasional PENELITIAN, PENDIDIKAN DAN PENERAPAN MIPA pada 30 Mei 2008
Oleh Dr. Marsigit
Reviewed by Siti Subekti

Mathematics Learning in schools can be changed by the teacher. These changes can be done by doing research that has resulted in scientific method. The approach of this research can be quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative research relies on the scientific method to discover rules or principles, investigators are neutral, it can only examine the things that can be observed and measured by a valid and reliable instrumen, and using methods logiko-hypothetico-verivikatif in the frame of mind. While qualitative research is essentially an examination of the learning process of Mathematics in the learning environment, interact with it, trying to understand language and interpretation of learning Mathematics. According to Shigeo Katagiri, (2004), Mathematical reasoning in schools can include three main aspects, namely reasoning related to the attitude (attitude), method (method), and the contents of Mathematics (content). Mathematical reasoning there are also several kinds of Mathematical Thingking related to Attitudes, Mathematical Thinking Related to Mathematical Methods and Mathematical Thinking Related to Mathematical Content.
In the phenomenon of  Mathematics learning, there is a business and the circumstances that can be described hermenitik circle. According to this circle, a teacher or researcher trying to uncover aspects of mathematics learning as a symptom or phenomenon, whether it be facts that can be observed directly or in the form of the potential for development that requires treatment. Hermenistik has two properties, that is realistic and deconstruction.
Mathematics learning can be done in a variety of methods. If the teacher emphasis on mastery of concepts, properties, and structure of mathematics with the discussion method of learning is a concept model of achievement learning. Models of research activities to the student members the opportunity to do research on the properties of Mathematics with the help of LKS (Student Worksheets). While the class action research (TOD) can be used by teachers to develop and refine models of learning by obtaining direct input from the problems that arise in the classroom learning in mathematics.
From the methods, the TOD is more beneficial to enhance the teaching profession because of relatively rapid implementation time and utilize information technology to develop themselves. While research aimed at improving the quality of classroom learning.

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