Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional

SBI is a school which be hoped to have the best quality, include of input, output, and outcomes. To ensure the quality of the SBI, the government also gave expense budget. This budget was given when the school is RSBI. Unfortunately, there are many RSBI who was not in accordance with the conditions and expectations of the government and the societies. Societies consider that the purpose of public schools that want to be RSBI is getting the assistance budget from government.
Learning activities in the school of RSBI is almost same learning activity in a regular school. Learning activity be centered on teachers and students are passive. The teacher explains material by lecture methods, give example questions, and students are given a matter of practice. It should not be used again because students should be center of learning activities and teacher help students in learning activities. With LCD, the teacher can provide an opportunity to students to improve their activities, for example with presentation.
The differences that stand out from regular schools and RSBI is cost of education. School usually mention the cost be used to repair and equipping school facilities. Unfortunately, it is less lasting well. In addition, there are also schools which oblige their students have laptop, yet the learning activities still use traditional methods.
RSBI schools should be able to change the traditional teaching method into modern teaching methods so that the ability of students increased and be creative. In addition, with a good quality, the school can compete with schools in other countries.

Elegi Permintaan Si Murid Cerdas

Students want a fun math learning activities and can involve students in the process of study. Learned in fact is needs and the consciousness of students, the teacher should not oblige students to study diligently. However, teachers should motivate spirit’s students and like mathematics so that growing curiosity in students learning. To attract students, learning can be done with props or media support. In addition, teachers can use the data on student learning, outcomes as well as the learning process for researching materials so that students are more motivated to learn.
To comply needs of students, conventional methods cannot be applied because the method is just a cycle, explained-example-giving problem. The method used is the method that is innovative and different because every student has different capabilities. Innovative methods that will make students be active in the learning activities, so the student is center of learning and teachers as mentors who empower students. When learning takes place, teachers oversee the process of learning and guiding students in carrying out the activity of learning. but also using the issue of life (contextual). Activities involve students and must be based on mathematics for all, without exception. In order to make the learning process goes well, teachers must develop a flexible lesson plan. Teachers can facilitate the ability of different students with develop student’s worksheet to find science or find the formula (not only contains examples of problems). Teachers can create own module or the text book so it can be customized to your needs. In addition, teachers also provide learning resources, such as a website or blog so that students can learn at any time. In the learning activities, there should be interaction between students with students, students with teachers, or students with the environment. Therefore, the learning process can be done with discussion groups, leading to the interaction between students with students. In addition, teachers can create problems based on problems life, leading to the interaction between students and the environment and the students can use the knowledge obtained in life.
After that, the teacher provides opportunities to students to express opinions or convey the result of the discussion, for example with the presentation. In this activity, each student is given an equal chance, so it's not just one students who pass on the job. Additionally, teachers have to let the students understand the concepts of alone and give opportunity to the students to draw conclusions. Because of the way, students will better understand the material. In judging, the teacher should not be judged simply by the test results, but also of the activity and its results. For example, is the aspect of the liveliness and the process of cooperation among students.

How to Promote International Level of Schooling if I were Agency Head of Education

International Level of Schooling is a school that used modern (interactive) teaching and use international language (English). To become International level of schooling, there are some steps that must be done. There are preparation, coordinating with agency education, implementation, evaluating.
Preparation consist of preparation of school, preparation of teachers, preparation of students, preparation of management, preparation of learning, and preparation of administration. Coordinating with agency consist of registration and consultation. All of preparations are done in implementation. And evaluating is assessment of agency about those schools, is the school ready to be a international level schooling.
If I become agency head of education, I will select the international level of schooling as accurately so there school indeed suitable to be international school. I am also going to make a law that requires schools to use learning method based on students, using a variety of sources, and using the technology. This Learning Model can be done with the interactive learning methods. The study is intended to make students able to exploit the capabilities of each so that their students have good quality. In addition, I will give opportunity to the headmasters and teachers to attend the international seminar (about learning) so that they got experience and knowledge of learning that is applicable and suitable for international schools.
In addition, I will hold a regularly monitoring at international schools so that schools are actually carrying out its obligations. However, the schools were not informed about the implementation of the monitoring so that schools could not prepare it ahead of time. This is used to find out the seriousness in running the schools assignments as an international schools and knowing the quality of the schools.
In order the Indonesian international schools were known by other country (in international), agency give service (assistance) and expense for schools to participate in international events.