by Siti Subekti
A. Introduction
Technological advances and information in Indonesia have affected all aspects of life ranging from ideological, political, cultural, social, and education. All aspects are developed in accordance with the development of the era. For example, in the aspect of culture, the advancement of technology and information and globalization have changed the way how to dress, speak, and how to behave in a younger generation of today.
In addition to the cultural aspects, the educational aspect is also heavily influenced by advances in technology and information. Along with the development of the era, education in Indonesia is also growing. Current educational curriculum has also been adapted to the demands of the world and in employment. With the development of the curriculum, the learning process should also be developed to fit the new curriculum and in accordance with the needs of students.
B. Developing teaching learning process of Matemathics in Junior High School or Senior High School
To develop teaching learning process, we need develop its components. They are lesson plan, student’s worksheet, small group discussion, interaction, teaching methods, student’s reflection, cognitive scheme, student’s conclusion, apperception, assessment, and media learning.
1. Lesson plan
Lesson plan is a plan that describe the procedures of learning to achieve basic competence. It is important to teachers they are used to compass in learning activity. So teachers must prepare it before they start teaching. However most of teacher make it for formalitas, not since they need.
Lesson plan has some component. They are identity of subject, standard competence, basic competence, indicator of achievement competencies, learning objectives, teaching materials, time allocation, teaching methods, learning activities, assessment of learning outcomes and resources materials.
a. Identity of subject
Identity of subject are consist of unit of education, class, materials, level of class, program of study, lesson, and quantity of meeting. In this component, name of school must be written.
b. Standard competence
Standard competence is a minimal capability that must be had by student. The capability are related of knowledge, attitude, and skill.
c. Basic competence
Basic competence is amounts capability that controlled by student in certain lesson.
d. Indicator of achievement competencies
Indicator of achievement competencies is attitude that can be measured or be observed to show the success of basic competence.
e. Learning objectives
Learning objectives describe about process and outcomes of learning.
f. Teaching materials
Teaching materials consist of fact, concept, principle, and procedure that appropriated with indicator.
g. Time allocation
Time allocation is time that need to do the learning activities.
h. Teaching methods
Teaching methods are used to drawn of efective condition in learning activities.
i. Learning activities
Learning aktivities are series aktivities when lesson toke place. There are three aktivities in there. There are introduction, content, and occlusion.
j. Assessment of learning outcomes
k. Resources materials
Resources materials can like as books, journal, etc.
Lesson plan also has some principle, there are:
a. Centered the individual differences of student.
b. Encourage active participation of students.
c. Developing culture of reading and writing.
d. Provide feedback and follow up, linkage and integration.
e. Applying information and communication technology.
As a plan, lesson plan not always take place appropriate our plan. There are some obstacle that impede our plan, such as student’s condition which not support, time plan is not appropriate with time which our schedule, etc.
To develop teaching learning, teachers should make a lesson plan with mature so that later learning can be done according to plan. They should be precise in to determine of time, must be creative in determine learning method, and plan it seriously.
2. Student worksheet
Student worksheet is worksheet that contains information and instruction from teacher to students to do a learning activity. This is one of student’s facilities in their studying. Most of current worksheet are brief summary and multiple choice question. Whereas it is not good for student’s development. But, most of teacher use it to main reference in their learning. Moreover, they order students to do equations as homework. Equations and activities that be on student worksheet should do in school by teacher’s escort.
Students worksheet have some function, which is for students and for teachers. For students, it is as a learning tool so that students have a great opportunity to develop skills, apply knowledge, skills training, to get acquisition process itself. Meanwhile, through the student worksheet, teachers are in organizing teaching and learning activities that be already applying method of "learning students" with higher levels of SAL (Student active learning) is high.
Purpose of using student worksheet is to provide knowledge, attitude and skills that need to be owned by students, check out their level of understanding learners of material that has been presented, to develop and implement a tough lesson material presented orally. Whereas the benefits obtained by the use of student worksheet in the learning process is as follows.
a. Enable studentrs in the learning process.
b. Assist students in developing the concept.
c. Train students in discovering and developing skills in the process.
d. The guidelines for teachers and students in the learning process.
e. Help students acquire notes about material that is learned through learning activities.
f. Help students to add information about the concepts learned through learning activities systematically.
There are two kinds of sudent worksheet developed at school, there are no structured worksheet and a structured students worksheet.
a. No structured worksheet
No structured student's worksheet is sheets that contain the means to subject matter, as a learner activity tools used to convey a lesson. Student worksheet is a teaching tool can be used to accelerate learning, giving encouragement to learn in each individual, contain little hints, written or oral to direct work on learners.
b. Structured Worksheet.
Structured student worksheet contains information, examples and tasks. Student worksheet is designed to guide learners in a work program or subjects, with little or no help at all to reach the goal of learning mentors.
As a tool, student worksheet should be developed hand in hand with development ability of students and the development of science. To develop students worksheet, the first step to do is specify the purpose of instructional. This determination begins with an analysis of the students, i.e. recognizing students, early behavior, and characteristics of early students. The results of this analysis are used to formulate ability that has been achieved and that will be achieved by students. The second step is to gather material. Material and tasks that will be loaded in the student worksheet is specified and it should be ascertained that minister in accordance with purpose of instructional. In addition, material is taken must come from a reliable source and can be accounted for. After that, material collected and make details of tasks to be carried out. The third step is preparation of elements, i.e. elements material, assignments, and exercises. Things to watch out for is as much as possible content rendered in the worksheet instead of just a brief point, but also a description and details so that students don't just memorize. In addition, problems such as that given in form should be a matter of explanation. Then the last step is to check and fine-tune the worksheet that has been created.
3. Small groups discussion
Small group discussion is a process of learning in which students are divided into several groups to discuss or seek a settlement of issue given teacher. In these discussions, students can learn from other students as they learn and work together. Prior to divide students into groups, teachers should analyze students’s ability beforehand so that later the teacher not only classify students regardless of ability level of students. If it is not done, it was feared that ability of group is not same. With division of students according to their ability, ability of each group will be evenly distributed. Generally, students of high ability are more dominant and leading the discussion. After learning process progresses, dominant future students can help students from same group but that has not been understood or to understand material that has been given by teacher. The result of group discussion is usually shown with a presentation in front of class.
Group discussion can be trained students to share their opinions with other students and familiarise students to interact with the surrounding environment (in this case another student). In addition, students can also train students who are afraid of public speaking to issue opinions and increase believe to theirself.
Before carrying out discussion groups, teachers should be well planned, with the thought of what will be done in such a discussion, why such discussions need to be done, how process of discussions will take place, and where such discussion would be made.
4. Various interaction
Interaction is a kind of action or action that occurs when two or more objects affect or have effect of each other. Idea of a two-way effect is essential in concept of interaction, as opposed to a one-way causal relationship as a result. Combination of simple interactions can lead to a shocking new phenomenon.
Interaction can happen if someone communicates with others. Interactions can occur between individuals with individual, individual with , or group with group. Interactions may also occur in whole class, smalls group, or individuals.
Whole class interaction typically happens when opening activities prior to learning process takes place, i.e. interaction of teachers with students as teachers began to open up learning process by introducing what material will be studied during the day. These interactions include interaction between individuals (teacher) with a group (students). This whole class interactions can also take place when a students presented results of answer to another student in front of class.
Smalls group interactions take place if learning process is done by dividing students into several small groups. In this group, students interact with each other, share opinions, and sharing knowledge about material that they discuss. In this case, interactions that occur are interactions between individuals with group, i.e. between a student with another friend that one group, or between such groups with teachers (teachers explain or ask group).
Individual interactions occur between a student with a student, i.e. when they are discussing. In the process of learning, this interaction can occur when a students who in college bench seating discussed settlement of issue that is given by teacher. And in process of learning, this interaction is often case.
To develop interaction, teachers can use discussion groups so that students can interact with other students to easily and freely. With this group discussion, students also have opportunity to interact. In group discussion, teacher can observe interactions that occur within each group or observe interaction of students with other students and can use it as data in assessment.
5. Various Learning method
Method of learning is one aspect of difference between conventional learning and interactive learning. In conventional learning methods used just a single method, that describes, gives examples, and gives problem. This method is commonly known as expository method. While interactive learning use various methods. Method suggested in interactive learning is expository, discussion, investigation, practical work, and contextual.
a. Expository method
On expository methods, dominance of teacher much reduced due to not talk continuously. Learning is still centered on teachers, but students more active. Students working on question of exercise itself, each ask and do it with their friend, or write down results on broad. According to David p. Ausubel, expository methods is a good way of teaching the most effective and efficient in cultivating a learning meaningful.
b. Discussion method
This method involves exchange of ideas between students with other students and students with teachers. This method can be used at different stages in learning, for example in small groups, large groups, or tutorial.
c. Discovery method
Discovery is a method of learning where students find themselves new things for yourself. In implementing this method, level of intelligence of students to be aware. Smart students should be given the task to another so they don't get bored while waiting for other friends.
d. Contextual method
Contextual method is concept of learning that help teachers link between learning material taught by real-world situations and encourages students to make owns relationship between knowledge and its application in real life. Contextual learning is focused on development of science, understanding, skills of students, and contextual understanding of relationship of subjects students who studied with real world. Learning with this method will succeed if teacher emphasizes that students understand relevance of what is learned in school with real-world situations.
Learning outcomes depending on method of instruction used by the teacher. That methods used appropriate, teachers should pay attention to what material will be taught. If selected method is appropriate if it is used to convey material. Furthermore, teachers noticed ability of students. What if teachers choose that method, students can follow the learning process. Other condition to be aware of is state of classrooms and environmental conditions. What if teachers apply these methods, classrooms and conditions of implementation of these methods. In addition, teacher should also pay attention to availability of facilities and media of instruction so learning process is not hampered because of the absence or the lack of facilities and instructional media.
6. Student's reflection
Reflection is a way of thinking about what you've learned. Reflection is a student response to events, activities, or knowledge has been controlled by students. Teachers can implement these components by way of review with students about learning materials that have been studied, as well as to what has been understood and what is not yet fully understood. This reflection is a summary of study was submitted teacher. Students can also undertake activities of independent writing about a summary of learning outcomes that have been followed.
This reflection activities carried out after the group discussion is complete or after students can resolve the matter given by teachers. This activity can be done by a student from each group representing his group to present results of discussion or any students advance to present it. In order for the developing student skills, should be in the present results of the discussion, students don't just write the result on board, but also explain it to other students. In this way can train students to dare to speak in public and to train students's confidence. In this activity, and media facilities should be used is available and ready to be used so that every student has same opportunity to present results of discussion.
7. Cognitive Schemes
Cognitive Schema is the content of theory piaget. This is known as cognitive structure of scheme. An individual can bind to, understand, and provide a response to stimulus for this scheme to work. This scheme was developed in chronological order, as a result of interaction between individuals with their environment. Development of these schemes take place continuously through adaptation to its environment. This scheme forms a certain reasoning patterns in mind of a child. Process of adaptation of the scheme that is formed with a new stimulus is done in two ways, i.e. cultural assimilation and accommodation.
In cognitive schemes, descriptions of material that will be explained teacher must be in accordance with the child's cognitive development. This is because in order for students to receive material described by teacher. If material is given by teacher does not comply with student's ability level, then students would have difficulty to accept explanation of any such material. For example, before students learning integrals, students should learn derivative because derivative is material prerequisites for an integral material. If student is given an integral matter beforehand, then students will be difficult to understand it because they haven't learned base material.
To train student's cognitive schemes, teachers can give a quiz before submission of material given. With this quiz, then students will reopen material prerequisites are required. This can help students to understand the material will be provided with easy. In addition, the students are accustomed to following quiz before learning process starts, then scheme students more developed.
8. Student conclusion
Student conclusion is the conclusion drawn by students from the discussion of a matter that has been delivered by teacher. Withdrawal of this conclusion can be made with teacher asks conclusions can be drawn from material that had been described earlier to some of students or teacher asks student opinion about conclusions can be drawn. After students concluded on its own, then teacher gives feedback and deliver conclusion of the overall conclusion of student learning and conclusion of the day.
For example, in linear program learning, students are given problems related to solving linear equations. Students are given freedom to use a method to resolve issue. If student has solved problem, students were asked to reflection it. After everything is complete, teachers explained about settlement of students and gave settlement by using eleminasi method. Then students are required to conclude a settlement method where appropriate and easy to use.
With students draw their own conclusions, then students will more easily remember material that is taught at time and memories that will last a long time. Unfortunately, not all students can easily conclude for yourself about what he has learned.
9. Apperception
Apperception is a opinion on everything from which to accept new ideas. Generally, function apersepsi in learning activities is to bring their world to our world. That is, to associate what I have known or experienced with what will be learned.
Apperepsion is very important because it is used to try to attract students to world created by the teacher, tried to unite two different worlds, importance of creating atmosphere, since they departed from diverse backgrounds as well as need to build motivation.
Typically, teachers misunderstand of appercepsion so that they are experiencing dilemma between pragmatic with the idea. In fact they have lots of ideas for learning process in order to make learning interesting and innovative. However this idea is usually hit by something, such as time and circumstances. Therefore, they chose to use practical ways and commonly used. In order that learning can flourish, are supposed to bold teacher pours his ideas in the learning process so that activities in learning not monotonous and become attractive.
In this appercepsion, teachers should not remember back by talking and explaining. However, students are given a problem to keep stored memories resurfaced. This method can also make students ready to learn Mathematics.
10. Assessment
Assessment is process of collecting a variety of data that can provide a description of development of student learning. This Data is taken during learning process takes place and also of value of the test. Aspects are rated not only cognitive aspects, but also affective aspect and psikomotor so that development of student learning is clearly visible.
The assessment has two objectives, namely the General purpose and special purpose. General objective is to evaluate competency assessment of learners, improving learning process, as a basis for preparation of progress report on student learning. Whereas goals especially were aware of progress and results of student learning, diagnosing learning difficulties, provide feedback or improvements to process of teaching and learning, determining increase in classroom, motivate student learning by way of getting to know and understand yourself and stimulating to do business improvement.
In addition to having purpose, assessment also has several functions, among other material consideration in determining increase in class, feedback in improvement of teaching and learning process, improve student learning motivation, self evaluation of performance of students.
In mathematics learning, assessment process and outcome emphasized at thought. In process of thought, to be seen reason, and creativity. These processes and results assessed in terms of thinking logically, accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness. How assessment can be conducted among other observation of students while working, ask questions, and dialoguing with other students, listen carefully to what is being discussed, listen carefully the opinions of students, analyzing student work and through test.
11. Media learning
Learning process surely involves sending and receiving information in classroom environment and how students interact with information. The Media in fact is a channel for communication, which carries information from sender information to recipient information.
Role of media in learning have an influence: 1. Media can broadcast information that's important; 2. Media can be used to motivate the learners at the beginning of learning; 3. Media can add enrichment in learning; 4. Media can show those relationships; 5. Media can present those experiences that cannot be shown by teachers; 6. Media can help individual learning; and 7. Media can draw closer to things that exist outside of classroom. While function of media in process of teaching and learning is to increase stimulation of learners in learning activities.
In learning, there are some of media, i.e. non projected media (photography, diagrams, presentation, and models), projected media (filmstrip, slide, transparency and computer projection), listen media (cassette, compact disc, etc), motion media (video, film, etc.), computer and multimedia, as well as media used for distance learning, such as internet (e-learning).
Learning Media is able to help learning process, but teachers should be careful in choosing right medium so that message can be received by students well. Examples of commonly used learning media is tape-recorder, Blackboard, computer projections.
In addition to medium of instruction, learning process can also be aided by props. Props can help students to learn things that are abstract. In addition, by using props and learning process more motivated, abstract concepts are described in form of concrete making it much easier to grasp and understand, and relationship between abstract concept with objects around us more understandable.
To enhance learning process, learning process should be supported by media of instruction and props. Media of instruction should be organised by school so that all activities in learning process can take place. While props are not to be provided by school. The existence of these props can match level of teacher creativity. The more creative of a teacher, then get creative did props that can be created. An example is to explain about geometry, a teacher makes the props in form of a cube, cuboid, prism, cone and cylinder using MICA. To use learning media, for example, use Microsoft excel solver to solve problems in linear programming.
C. Conclusion
To develop teaching learning process, we need develop its components. In lesson plan, teachers should make a lesson plan with mature so that later learning can be done according to plan. In student’s worksheet, teacher should make creative and inovatif worksheet. In small group discussion, teacher should do this method more and more. In interaction, learning process can develop by small group discussion. Teaching methods can variously, develop appercepsion by quiz, and using learning media.